Home Communion Visitors Training

This ministry was an important way for us to let our sisters and brothers who cannot always be in worship with us, that they are not forgotten and that they receive the “bread of life” as well. During the pandemic and since we have not had folks visiting but at the prompting of the Health Ministries Team, we are going to get this ministry started again. If you were doing it before or would like to help we are having two trainings, they will both be the same, so you can come either day. The trainings will be September 11 and 12 from 1-3 pm and we will meet in the sanctuary. Please let the office know which day you are planning to attend so that we can plan accordingly. If you have any questions, talk to Pastor Benson.

The women’s bible study will be starting up at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 5. This bible study will be from the Gather magazine titled "After Certainty." After the study, everyone will be going out to lunch together.  All women are welcome to attend this monthly study.