New Member Class

Pastor will be having a new member class October 2, 9 and 16 at 6 pm in my office. There will be dessert and refreshments for this informal time to talk and share and get ready to become a part of Trinity. If you have any questions, talk to Pastor Benson.

WELCA Bible Study

The next women’s bible study will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday, October 3 with the theme from the Gather magazine. After the study, everyone will be going out to lunch together.  All women are welcome to attend this monthly study.


Men’s Ministry     

There will be a men’s ministry breakfast on Saturday, October 5 at 8:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall.  All men are welcome.


Understanding Family Life Through a Biblical Lens

Have you heard the old adage "You can choose your friends but you're stuck with your family!"?  Our families play a huge part in forming our values and faith, the kind of partner we seek for mates, and the careers we choose...but they can also cause frustrations and painful feelings.  Are there lessons about family life that we can learn from the Biblical families?


In this 2-week class, Rev. Carl Baughman, a retired marriage and family therapist, will examine some the families in the Bible and what they can teach us about our own families. All adults are welcome to attend regardless of the stage of family life they are currently experiencing.  The class will meet at 9:00 am in room 103 during the regular Sunday School hour on Oct. 6th and 13th.

It’s that time again for Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m.

This event is open to the whole family, children, parents and grandparents.  

WE NEED YOUR HELP…  During trunk or treat events adults can, if they like, decorate the back of their cars for Halloween, have candy to pass out and sit in the parking lot for kids to “trick or treat” from car-to-car. It is loads of fun.  The kids are dressed mostly in Halloween costumes holding out bags or plastic pumpkins for treats.  Adults get to socialize while seeing all the cute and sometimes scary costumes.


A box is in

the Narthex for donations.