Sunday School
Sunday School News
Classes are:
3 yr. olds thru Kindergarten - Room 118—Miss Chrissy
1st Grade through 3rd Grade - Room 108—Miss Grace
4th & 5th Grades - Weaver Hall (bottom of the stairs closest to the office) - Miss Karen
6th to 12th Grade—Youth Room—Doug Hammer
Adult SS—Room 109—Pastor—Starts October 9– they will be studying the lectionary
All adults are welcomed! Every Sunday morning there is a group that meets for discussion, fellowship as well as coffee and sweet rolls. Every Sunday we will be watching a short video which we will use as a discussion starter. There's no need to attend every if you're looking for a way to get to know some of your Trinity friends (and enjoy coffee and sweet rolls) please join us. It's an ideal place to hang out while your children are in Sunday School. We meet in room 103.
June 1, 2025
Request for Past Confirmation Students Faith Journey
I'm looking for anyone from my past classes who would like to share their faith Journey with my current class. This can be in writing or ideally to stop in some Sunday to talk to the class. If you are interested, just shoot me an email (click here or text or call me (724-355-5359) and we'll discuss details. If you aren't interested, it would be nice to hear from you anyway. :-)
Thanks and KEEP THE FAITH!
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
2nd & 3rd Grade
4th & 5th Grade
9th - 12th grade
Youth Room