Our social media friends and followers love our Sunday school photos each week. Our media team would like to show off all of our other ministries and activities too. If you are involved in an event, activity, or outreach, we are asking you to take a few photos to share on social media. You can text your photos to Jessica (724-841-7110) and let her know a little bit about the photo. Also, please ensure that everyone who is photographed knows that their photo will be posted and shared on our social media sites.


There are fund raiser cards for sale in the church office.  They are $10.00 a piece and contain discounts to area restaurants, golf courses, stores, etc.    Call the church office at 724-287-1977 if you want one or come to the church office Monday through Thursday between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.


A Note from Health and Wellness

If you are visiting one of the members of our congregation who cannot currently attend worship in person, please consider wearing a mask to protect them from the covid virus as well as other respiratory illnesses that are increasingly being diagnosed in our area. 


If you are interested in being included on a text prayer chain, please send a text message to Rhonda at 724-841-9170.  She will organize a group text chain that people can use when they have a prayer request for anybody in need of prayers.

A Note From the Property Ministry

To help when you see something that needs to be worked on or fixed, please use the new clip board hanging up in the Narthex to report any issue.  We hope moving forward that this will help with identifying what needs to be fixed so property can get to it in a timely manner. Thanks everyone for your help.  

Altar Flowers

If you paid for altar flowers for a particular week, please feel free to take the flowers after the 10:00 Sunday service. 

 Flower Dedications

The flower dedication sign-up sheet for 2024 is now posted by the bulletin board in the Narthex.  Please sign-up to dedicate flowers in memory or in honor of your loved ones. Cost is $15 per dedication.



The weekend service will appear on YouTube & Facebook some time on Sunday.

Devotions are also on our YouTube channel Trinity Lutheran-Butler and our Facebook page.

Church Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9-1.

Blessed Alliance Lutheran Parish Joint Call Team

Trinity - in partnership with Rider, Emmanuel and St. John's Lutheran churches - is in the process of calling a new pastor.  The candidate will join Pastor Joel in a shared pastoral leadership team in a parish partnership.  The joint call team has representation from all four churches.  You may have questions or concerns about this initiative or the process.  If so, please feel free to reach out to any of our Trinity representatives on the team:  Pastor Benson, Scott Petrak (chair), Hallie Mikes, Bob Walker, Chrissy Pollock, Mitch Hammer, and Pat Wuenstel.


Trinity will once again be collecting plastic bags.  For every 500 pounds Trinity collects, Trinity receives a free bench from Trex.

We have a volunteer at Trinity that will be taking over the processing of the plastic so we can get our benches from Trex.

A couple of notes:

Do not send plastic containers                                                                            

Do not send candy wrappers

Please make sure there is no garbage with your plastic.



Channeling Solomon

Do not forget about in-person trivia on Tuesday evenings at the 11th Frame on Fairground Hill Rd 7:00 p.m.  Come join the fun.


Used Eyeglasses     

If you have any unwanted eyeglasses, please consider donating them to the Lion’s Club. Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers throughout the world clean and store usable recycled eyeglasses. Broken glasses are discarded, providing “scrap to cash” income that can aid local community projects. 100% of public donations to Lions clubs are used for charitable causes – none go for administrative expenses. The box to donate your used eyeglasses is in the Narthex on the Lion’s display of their products.



This is just a reminder that Trinity has a spiritual growth resources area outside of the choir room. This material is free to take.


          If you currently use the app GivePlus on your smart phone to donate to Trinity, this app will be nonfunctional as of February 1.  You will need to download  the Vanco Faith app on your phone.

          Also if you are not currently giving by any electronic method, you may want to consider downloading the Vanco Faith app on your smart phone and donating to Trinity that way.  It is a very convenient way to donate to your church!