Women’s Bible Study - February

Women’s Bible Study - February

The women’s bible study will continue on Thursday, February 6 at 10:00.  The study is centered on Grace from Ephesians.  All are urged to come and share and learn with us.  We have a tradition of signing greeting cards to shut-ins afterwards and then going to lunch together if you are able.




Flower Dedications

The flower dedication sign-up sheet for 2025 is now on the table in front of the bulletin board in the Narthex.  Please sign-up to dedicate flowers in memory or in honor of your loved ones. Cost is $20 per dedication.

Help Needed

Please prayerfully consider serving your church. We are in need of people to serve in the upcoming year as Ushers, Assisting Ministers, and Communion Assistants. Please contact Pastor Benson or Lynne  click here. We will train you! We are in need of help at both 5:30 pm Saturday services & 10:15 am Sunday services. Thank you in advance.