Request for Past Confirmation Students Faith Journey
I'm looking for anyone from my past classes who would like to share their faith Journey with my current class. This can be in writing or ideally to stop in some Sunday to talk to the class. If you are interested, just shoot me an email (click here or text or call me (724-355-5359) and we'll discuss details. If you aren't interested, it would be nice to hear from you anyway. :-)
Thanks and KEEP THE FAITH!
This year Trinity will be supporting two groups of children with Christmas presents. We now have the names for the children who need Christmas Gifts from Butler County and Glade Run. The deadline for the gifts to be at church is Sunday, December 8.
You will see a table in the Narthex after each service and you can get the name of a child and his/her wish list. When you take a name, please make sure you put your name, phone number, and e-mail by the number of the child/children you picked (this will be the number in the upper left corner that is circled) on the sign out sheet on the table.
If you get the name of a child from Glade Run, all gifts should be unwrapped and placed in a large garbage bag. Feel free to provide gift bags, wrapping paper and tape so the gifts can be wrapped by the child’s caregiver. Staple the child’s gift tag to the outside of the garbage bag.
If you get a name of a child from the Butler County (you will know the child is from Butler because there will be a caseworker name and case number on the wish sheet), all gifts should be unwrapped and placed in a large garbage bag. Feel free to provide gift bags, wrapping paper and tape so the gifts can be wrapped by the child’s caregiver. Staple the lower half of the child’s wish list to the outside of the garbage bag.
We are still waiting for the Christmas Bulbs from Life Butler County with clients names on them.